kevin:"when did you get tested?" amy:"just after i got back from jayfield. it came back positive. i |
still have the scar."
kevin:"oh my."

amy:"i just broke down.i felt unclean and dirty. it did'nt help when i told my mother." |
kevin:"what was her reaction?"
amy:"she said i was a whore or i wouldn't have been infected."

amy:"after that i just felt isolated from the world. i was mopey and depressed so my colleague told |
me to go see a counsellar. he helped me with my self-esteem and gave me enough courage to go see megan.
but when i saw her i didn't want to scare her because of all the stigma around the subject. i'm just so sick and tired of
amy began to cry.

kevin:"here amy.' amy:"thanks." kevin:"why are you telling me this?" |