piper:"goodbye." |

paige:"sis!" piper:"paige! do you always do that?" paige:" yeah!" |
piper:"anyway, what happened to that picnic?"
paige:"well, there was a problem..."


PAIGE:" sis, have you ever have a boyfriend?" piper:"just one." |
paige:"was he nice?"
piper:"he was like, and then, you know?"
paige:"yep,i do know. todd is so nice. i'm so glad i found this place. did you have friends?"
piper:"yep. we were pretty tight. hey! where todd?"
paige:"oh, he got stung and now's sulking in his room. oh, i better check up on him."
who is this blonde guy? can i bring him into the plot in the future? will todd stop sulking? how fake are the bees?
how annoying is my questions? am i boring you? will i ask another pointless question? no point really because it's
The End